
This study aims to define the placental findings in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). The study group consisted of 40 neonates without IUGR and 24 neonates with IUGR, including their placentas. The cases were separated into three groups according to gestational age. Group A (n=21): 37 ≤ weeks, Group B (n=27): 32≤ - <37 weeks, Group C (n=16): < 32 weeks. Each group had two subgroups, IUGR and non-IUGR. The placentas from the non-IUGR subgroup were heavier than the IUGR subgroup placentas in the term group (p<0.05). Infarct (over 5%), increased syncytial knots and histiocytic intervillositis were more common in the IUGR cases (p<0.05). This study shows that chronic patterns of injury are significantly increased in placentas from pregnancies complicated by IUGR. If the injury in the placenta is acute or mild, fetal adaptation can compensate and prevent fetal growth restriction.

How to cite

İskender-Mazman D, Akçören Z, Yiğit Ş, et al. Placental findings of IUGR and non-IUGR. Turk J Pediatr 2014; 56: 368-373.