
Scorpion envenomation is a life-threatening emergency and a common public health problem in many regions of the world, particularly in children. The aim of this retrospective descriptive study was to describe the epidemiological characteristics and some common clinical symptoms and signs, laboratory findings and outcomes among humans in the southeast Anatolia region of Turkey (Mardin, Midyat). The sting cases mostly occurred in the month of July (36.4%) when the annual temperature is the highest. The majority of the cases were in the 6-10 years of age group. Most of the stings were seen in exposed extremities (92.9%), mainly in the lower limbs (58.6%). Patients in the emergency units showed signs of local and systemic effects, but no lethality occurred except one. Local and autonomic nervous system effects were most frequently characterized by local pain, hyperemia, swelling, itching, malaise, dry mouth, sweating, and thirst. Neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders were uncommon. The global mortality recorded was 10 per 1000 cases. In conclusion, we propose that this information is beneficial for health education and prevention of scorpion sting cases.

How to cite

Uluğ M, Yaman Y, Yapici F, Can-Uluğ N. Scorpion envenomation in children: an analysis of 99 cases. Turk J Pediatr 2012; 54: 119-127.