
A three-year-old girl presented with a small brown lesion on the right upper eyelid margin. Close examination revealed an insect body attached to the eyelid margin. Microscopic examination of the specimen identified the species of the organism as Ixodes ricinus. The tick was completely removed with blunt forceps. She was treated with lid toilet, irrigation, and application of topical 0.3% ciprofloxacin four times daily to the affected eye. The lesion healed without scarring after one week. No systemic symptoms were observed. Mechanical removal with blunt forceps may be a quick, easy, safe and effective treatment for ticks located on the eyelids.

How to cite

Keklikçi U, Unlü K, Cakmak A, Akdeniz S, Akpolat N. Tick infestation of the eyelid: a case report in a child. Turk J Pediatr 2009; 51: 172-173.