
Complex cardiovascular pathologies in the pediatric population are usually evaluated with echocardiography and catheter angiography as initial and advanced imaging of choice, respectively. Echocardiography may pose some difficulties in the diagnosis of complex cardiovascular pathologies. Due to short acquisition times, detailed imaging by the use of post-processing techniques, reduced radiation exposure compared to catheter angiography, and additional information obtained on lung parenchyma, multi-slice computed tomography (CT) is the advanced imaging method of choice in selected cases. The present report describes a 14-year-old symptomatic case with complex cardiovascular pathology, whose vascular architecture could be properly demonstrated by multi-slice CT.

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Hasanefendioğlu-Bayrak A, Oztürkmen-Akay H, Kervancioğlu M, Akgül-Ozmen C, Sentürk S, Nazaroğlu H. Double outlet right ventricle with giant pulmonary artery aneurysm and severe aortic coarctation: diagnosis with multislice CT. Turk J Pediatr 2009; 51: 399-402.