
The aim of this study was to describe and assess the structure, organization, and staffing of pediatric intensive care services in Turkey. A survey was sent to major university and government hospitals. Out of the 40 hospitals stating to provide pediatric intensive care, 34 responded to the survey (85% response rate). In the majority (81.2%) of hospitals, pediatric intensive care was provided in single room units or within the pediatric ward. Unit size ranged from 1-16 beds with an average of 6.8 +/- 4.2 operational beds per unit. Much of the equipment and a sufficient number of specialists for pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) care were present in the surveyed hospitals. However, only 12 units had a pediatric intensivist on staff and few had special PICU nurses. Many hospitals in Turkey already have various equipment and specialists needed to support pediatric intensive care. Expansion of services and improved care could be achieved if more pediatric intensivists and nurses could be provided and services concentrated in fully equipped tertiary centers.

How to cite

Köroğlu TF, Atasever S, Duman M. A survey of pediatric intensive care services in Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 2008; 50: 12-17.