
The bone involvement in the later stages of Hodgkin's disease is an expected phenomenon, but it is very rare in early stages of the disease. About 49 cases of Hodgkin's disease presenting with bone involvement have been reported in the literature. We reported a 14-year-old boy initially evaluated with pain localized at the left ilium. Although all the radiological examinations suggested an osseous anomaly, histopathologic evaluation of the pelvic lymphadenopathies provided definite diagnosis of the disease. We discuss the possible differential diseases and review the literature regarding the osseous presentation of Hodgkin's disease.

How to cite

Köseoğlu RD, Senayli A, Biçakçi U, Onuk-Filiz N, Sezer T, Celkan T. Osseous presentation of Hodgkin’s disease: a case report and review of the literature. Turk J Pediatr 2007; 49: 218-222.