
This study was planned and conducted based on the investigation of families living in the Tuzluçaylr Village Clinic neighborhood to determine the risks of domestic accidents for the children aged 0-6 years. It was established that 66.0% of the rooms were furnished with sharp-edged furniture; 63.2% had open electrical sockets; 68.4% had slippery flooring; and 68.9% of the houses with balcony railings had rail openings wide enough for a child to pass through. We determined that 28.8% of the children aged 0-6 years had suffered a domestic accident during the last year.

How to cite

Erkal S, Safak S. Determination of the risks of domestic accidents for the 0-6 age group in the Tuzluçayir Village Clinic neighborhood. Turk J Pediatr 2006; 48: 56-62.