
The aim of this study was to determine the genetic and antigenic diversity of vaccine-type and wild-type measles viruses by using different antisera in a neutralization assay. Virus strains included genotype A, D3 and D6 clades, and five different groups of antibodies were used. Wild-type measles viruses isolated in Turkey have been classified as D6 and the others isolated in Japan as D3. Antisera used in the assay were against genotype A, D3 and D6. Regardless of the antigenic diversity, protective antibody level (> or = 1/16) was determined against different genotypes of measles virus.

How to cite

Korukluoğlu G, Zarakolu P. Antigenic analysis of wild-type measles viruses currently isolated in Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 2006; 48: 105-108.