
Saccular cysts in infants are rare lesions of the larynx and may result in respiratory obstruction and severe dyspnea. Herein we present a case of saccular cyst in a three-month-old infant. She was presented with severe stridor and respiratory distress. She had been followed with the diagnosis of tracheomalacia for three months elsewhere. Direct laryngoscopy of the larynx revealed a saccular cyst. Stridor disappeared shortly after surgical excision of the supraglottic saccular cyst under direct laryngoscopy. No complication or recurrence was seen in the 12-month follow-up period. Saccular cysts in infants are rare lesions and should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of stridor in infants.

How to cite

Tosun F, Söken H, Ozkaptan Y. Saccular cyst in an infant: an unusual cause of life-threatening stridor and its surgical treatment. Turk J Pediatr 2006; 48: 178-180.