
The objective of the study was to determine the morbidity of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in the 0-19 years of age group with influenza-like illness among the outpatient cases. From 20 January to 31 March 2003 a total of 123 subjects with upper respiratory tract infection attended Yunus Emre Health Center. Ninety-one subjects fit the case definition of influenza-like illness, which consisted of acute fever of more than 38 degrees C, cough, and sore throat. After obtaining their consent, nasal swabs were taken for isolation of influenza and RSV. Of these, 10 were influenza A virus, 6 were influenza B virus and 20 were RSV. All of influenza virus A was typed as subtype H3N2. The rates of influenza virus among 5-9 and 1-4 years of age groups and of RSV among 1-4 years of age group were high. The average number of absentee days of schoolchildren with influenza was 3.33 days and of those with RSV infection was 1.43 days; this rate was calculated as 2.25 days for the influenza-like illness. Continuous surveillance and influenza vaccination for target groups are recommended for beneficial effects of reducing influenza morbidity and mortality in the community.

How to cite

Akin L, Surlu B, Bozkaya E, Aslan SS, Onal A, Badur S. Influenza and respiratory syncytial virus morbidity among 0-19 aged group in Yunus Emre Health Center. Turk J Pediatr 2005; 47: 316-322.