
Background. Given the high prevalence of potentially traumatic events (PTEs), pediatric providers are in a novel position in early identification and referral of the children with PTEs. Yet paucity of culturally adapted instruments to screen PTEs and related symptoms in preschool-aged children limits pediatric providers. This multicenter study aimed to screen the traumatic life events of preschool-aged children admitted to pediatric outpatient clinics at four different cities of Turkey and to determine the socio-demographic risk factors associated with PTEs. Moreover, it was also intended to develop the cultural adaptation of the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS) Caregiver-report 3-6 Years version to Turkish and to analyze its reliability.

Methods. Participants of this multicenter study were collected from four different hospitals in three different regions (Central Anatolia, Black Sea, and Southeastern Anatolia regions) of Turkey. All parents of children at the age of 3-6 years who were admitted to the hospital for a clinical visit (sick-child or well-child visits) were invited to the study. In total, 188 preschool-aged children were included in the study. Socio-demographic characteristics of the child and the family were questioned and parents were asked to fill out the Turkish version of the CATS Caregiver-report.

Results. Internal consistency (Cronbach`s alpha) of the Turkish version of the CATS Caregiver-report 3-6 Years was found as 0.86. This study revealed that half of the participating children had experienced at least one PTE and more than one fourth experienced more than one event. Strikingly, no association between sociodemographic risk factors and PTE exposure was identified suggesting that PTE exposure is indeed widespread in our study population.

Conclusion. The findings of this study manifest the importance of routine screening of PTEs and related symptoms in children.

Keywords: Potentially traumatic events, cultural adaptation, early childhood, trauma screening

How to cite

Akkuş PZ, Serdaroğlu E, Kömürlüoğlu A, et al. Screening traumatic life events in preschool aged children: cultural adaptation of Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS) Caregiver-report 3-6 years version. Turk J Pediatr 2021; 63: 95-101. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjped.2021.01.011