
Multiple cardiac rhabdomyomas are frequently associated with tuberous sclerosis (TSC). However, splenic involvement in TSC is very rare. Histiocytoid cells in the spleen have been previously reported in only seven neonates and one fetus. We report an unusual case of multiple cardiac rhabdomyomas in a stillborn fetus with TSC who had clusters of histiocytoid cells in the spleen. These large cells had abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and were positive with CD 68; ultrastructurally, they contained many membrane-bound bodies. It has been suggested that these cells are histiocytes. To the best of our knowledge, the present case is the second stillborn fetus who had splenic involvement with TSC.

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Tunali N, Gümürdülü D, Zorludemir S. Splenic involvement in a stillborn fetus with tuberous sclerosis and multiple cardiac rhabdomyomas. Turk J Pediatr 2004; 46: 357-361.