
Infantile myofibromatosis presents as a firm, nodular mass in soft tissues, muscles, or visceras which can be solitary or multicentric, and it may regress spontaneously. We present a one-day-old boy who was admitted to the hospital for two masses, with one below the umbilicus that looked like a hemangiomatous structure and the other in the abdominal skin as a subcutaneous nodule. There was no intraabdominal involvement, and both of the masses were resected at 10 days of life. The one-year follow-up was uneventful.

How to cite

Cağlayan F, Cakmak M, Bozdoğan O, Abasiyanik F. Infantile myofibromatosis in a newborn: a case report. Turk J Pediatr 2003; 45: 59-63.