
Physiotherapy results of a 6.5-month-old baby with congenital lymphedema in the lower limbs are presented in this study. Her motor developmental level and reflexes were evaluated and test results did not show any abnormal findings. Assessment of limb volume included circumferential and volumetric measurements, and photographs showing the changes in macroscopic view are presented. The physiotherapy program consisted of manual lymphatic massage, remedial exercises, multilayered inelastic compression bandaging, meticulous skin care and education of parents. The treatment lasted for 2.5 months, five days per week. Evaluations were done immediately after treatment and six months after treatment. The evaluations showed reduction in swelling after the treatment and this reduction continued during the follow-up period. It can be concluded that this physiotherapy program reduces the swelling in a baby with congenital lymphedema. Further studies are required in order to see the effectiveness of this therapy program in a greater number of subjects.

How to cite

Akbayrak T, Citak I, Demirtürk F, Kerem M, Akarcali I. Physiotherapy results in a baby with congenital lymphedema: a follow-up study. Turk J Pediatr 2002; 44: 349-353.