
An 18-month-old boy with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) underwent surgical closure of PDA. Cardiac catheterization determined the PDA was not suitable for transcatheter closure. After the chest was opened, subadventitial hematoma was seen on the aortic end of the PDA. Incision of the aorta revealed a thrombus secondary to intimal laceration. The thrombus was extracted and the PDA was closed using division technique. Because no similar report was found in English-language literature, the technique and the surgical strategy are discussed.

How to cite

Dogan R, Bilgiç A. Subadventitial hematoma of a patent ductus arteriosus and thrombus formation within the aorta secondary to cardiac catheterization. Turk J Pediatr 2001; 43: 175-176.