
A total of 44 children aged between 15-18 months were randomly vaccinated either with a new measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine (Priorix, SmithKline Beecham) or a commercially available MMR vaccine (MMR-II, Merck) to compare the reactogenicity and immunogenicity. No local symptoms or fever was reported. Seroconversion rates of the study vaccine were 100, 95 and 100 percent for measles, mumps and rubella, respectively. The seroconversion rates for the control vaccine were 100, 94.7 and 95.5 percent, respectively. The geometric mean titers (GMT's) for the study and control groups were 1695, 95, 58; and 2198, 1183 and 47; respectively. In conclusion, the new MMR vaccine containing RIT 4385 mumps strain derived from the Jeryl Lynn strain was shown to be immunogenic and safe in healthy Turkish children. Further post-marketing surveillance should be conducted.

How to cite

Kanra G, Ceyhan M, Ozmert E. Reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a new measles-mumps-rubella vaccine containing RIT 4385 mumps virus strain in healthy Turkish children. Turk J Pediatr 2000; 42: 275-277.