
Although processus vaginalis is patent in the majority of newborn infants, the expression of an intraabdominal pathology such as gastrointestinal perforation or bleeding in the scrotum is very rare. In a large percentage of neonates with the gastrointestinal perforation, pneumoperitoneum is absent. In any case, it may not be detected in early radiographs. We report a newborn baby who presented with bilateral scrotal pneumatoceles as a first sign of pneumoperitoneum due to gastric perforation. Plain x-ray of the abdomen was normal except for pneumoscrotum, but contrast study revealed gastric perforation.

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Aslan Y, Sarihan H, Dinç H, Gedik Y, Aksoy A, Dereci S. Gastric perforation presenting as bilateral scrotal pneumatoceles. Turk J Pediatr 1999; 41: 267-271.