
"Child Survival Activities in Turkey" are: growth monitoring programs, expanded programs of immunization (elimination of neonatal tetanus, reducing morbidity and mortality of measles, eradication of polio), control of diarrheal diseases (oral rehydration therapy), control of deaths from pneumonia (ARI), baby-friendly hospitals initiative and promotion of breast-feeding, salt iodization programs, elimination of vitamin A deficiency, safe motherhood projects, and phenylketonuria screening programs. Furthermore, family planning, nutrition and education of the mother were among the subjects covered because of their role in child health. The activities, aims and strategies related to these programs are taken up separately. The status of child health and some of the child survival and development programs (growth monitoring program, expanded program of immunization, control of diarrheal diseases, control of deaths from pneumonia, baby-friendly hospitals initiative and promotion of breast-feeding) are discussed in the article.

How to cite

Ozcebe H. The status of child health and child survival and development programs in Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 1998; 40: 217-230.