
An 18-month-old girl presented with irritability, epistaxis, spongy appearance of the gums perifollicular papules with follicular hyperkeratosis, ecchymosis, painful swollen knees and scorbutic rosary. Her diet consisted mainly of wheat flour. X-ray of the knees showed findings compatible with scurvy. Ascorbic acid level was below 0.003 g/L. Ascorbic acid therapy resulted in a dramatic clinical improvement. Scurvy is an uncommon disease in our society today. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of scurvy because it is easily treated with vitamin C replacement.

How to cite

Yilmaz S, Karademir S, Ertan U, et al. Scurvy. A case report. Turk J Pediatr 1998; 40: 249-253.