
Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignant tumor in childhood and is radiosensitive. We treated five patients with solitary intraocular retinoblastoma using iodine-125 plaque radiotherapy as a primary procedure. Tumor basal diameters ranged from six to 16 mm and thickness ranged from three to 11 mm. The radiation dose delivered to tumor apex ranged from 3500 to 5000 centigrays. All tumors regressed considerably within a follow-up ranging between seven to 12 months. There was no tumor recurrence or any complications related to plaque brachytherapy within this early period. We concluded that plaque radiotherapy is an effective method in local tumor control and allows eye preservation in patients with retinoblastoma.

How to cite

Kiratli H, Bilgiç S, Atahan IL. Plaque radiotherapy in the management of retinoblastoma. Turk J Pediatr 1998; 40: 393-397.