
Twenty-eight maltreated cases were presented in this multicenter study. Hospital distribution was as follows: Dr. Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, 54 percent; Dokuz Eylül University Hospital, 21 percent; Ege University Hospital, 14 percent; Tepecik Social Security Hospital, 7 percent; Atatürk State Hospital, 4 percent. Age and sex distribution was two months to 25 years and 43 percent male, 57 percent female. The offender was the father in 71 percent, the mother in 32 percent and multiple in 25 percent of the cases. More than three child maltreatment risk factors were present in 93 percent. Nineteen patients (68%), nine of which were effectively followed-up were reported to the Social Affairs Bureau. Sixty-four percent gained acceptable health with the support of our team, 14 percent died, and 21 percent failed to comply with follow-up. A multidisciplinary group may interfere both medically and socially with these cases to interrupt the course of maltreatment. Every children's hospital needs such a team to increase diagnosis establishment necessary to initiate social support.

How to cite

Oral R, Can D, Hanci H, et al. A multicenter child maltreatment study: twenty-eight cases followed-up on a multidisciplinary basis. Turk J Pediatr 1998; 40: 515-523.