
An eight-year-old girl is presented with three major criteria of acute rheumatic fever: polyarthritis, carditis and chorea. The diagnosis was confirmed with a history of pharyngitis 15 days prior to admission and with the findings of positive acute phase reactants such as elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), elevated anti-streptolysin-O (ASO) titration, and clinical findings of polyarthritis, carditis and chorea. Patient responded well to salicylate and phenobarbital treatment. The rare association of these three major criteria in acute rheumatic fever is emphasized.

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Günal N, Atakan C, Köse G, Atasay B. Acute rheumatic fever with three major criteria: polyarthritis, carditis and chorea. A case report. Turk J Pediatr 1998; 40: 585-588.