A three-year-old girl was admitted to Hacettepe Children's Hospital due to sweating and poor feeding. Echocardiography demonstrated ostium primum atrial septal defect with a cleft mitral valve. After two months of medical follow-up with digitalis, she was subjected to open-heart surgery, and a primum-type atrial septal defect with double mitral orifice was found. To avoid creating acute mitral stenosis, the cleft was only partially sutured and the septal defect was closed with a patch. Her postoperative recovery was uneventful. It is emphasized that surgical intervention should be individualized in each case.
How to cite
Yurdakul Y, Arsan S, Karapinar K, Tamim M, Bilgiç A. Congenital double-orifice mitral valve. A case report. Turk J Pediatr 1995; 37: 173-176.