
The practice of anesthesia in 10,000 children was analysed and evaluated with the aid of Epi-Info, Version 5. There were 545 newborns, 1573 infants, 3147 children between the ages of 1 and 5 years, and 4735 children between the ages of 6 and 15 years. Female:male ratio was 1:1.9. In 92% anesthesia was provided for surgical and in 8% for diagnostic procedures. The most common sites of surgery were head and neck (19%), eye (12%), genitalia (9%) and inguinal region (8%). The type of admission was elective in 76%, emergency in 16% and outpatient in 8% of patients. The distribution within the ASA classes was 92% in I, 4% in II, 2.7% in III and 1.1% in IV+V. Premedication was given to 66% of cases. 98.5% had a general anesthetic and the remaining were given regional blocks. Induction was carried out with intravenous agents in 59% and maintenance with inhalational agents in 92%. The use of muscle relaxants was 82%, mainly succinylcholine followed by vecuronium. Endotracheal intubation was done in 86% of cases, with serious difficulties in 1.3%. 91% of the newborn babies were intubated, 2.8% with difficulty. 9.2% had blood transfusions. There were serious complications in 4.4% and 28 cardiac arrests, of which 20 were successfully resuscitated. Epi-Info, Version 5 was found satisfactory for epidemiological analysis and evaluation in anesthesia, and the information obtained with its aid was discussed in light of published data.

How to cite

Esener Z, Ustün E. Epidemiology in pediatric anesthesia. A computerized survey of 10,000 anesthetics. Turk J Pediatr 1994; 36: 11-19.