
Background. Lower gestational age negatively affects the neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants. Early motor repertoire is a reliable way to predict neurodevelopmental outcomes. This study aimed to determine the correlation between gestational age and early motor repertoire in infants and also the roles of multiple pregnancies, gender, cranial utrasonography (USG) results, and birth weight in this relationship.

Methods. This study included 139 infants, who were video recorded 9-17 weeks post-term. The recordings were evaluated using the Motor Optimality Score-Revised (MOS-R). Structural equation modeling tool was used for the path analysis of the models.

Results. There was a weak positive correlation between gestational age and the MOS-R. In the relationship between gestational age and the MOS-R, multiple pregnancies, gender, and USG outcomes had a moderating effect. While abnormal USG, male gender, and singleton pregnancy increased this correlation to a moderate level, normal USG reduced the strength of the correlation. Female and twin pregnancies were non-significant in the model. Birth weight had a full mediating effect on the relationship between gestational age and the MOS-R.

Conclusions. Infants with younger gestational age or lower birth weight, male infants, and infants with problems on cranial USG may have poorer early motor repertoire.

Keywords: birth weight, gestational age, motor repertoire, gender, cranial ultrasonography


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How to cite

Kahraman A, Aksoy A, Öz Tunçer G, Erdem S, Livanelioğlu A. The role of certain perinatal features in the early motor repertoire of infants. Turk J Pediatr 2024; 66: 287-296. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjpediatr.2024.4513