
Objective. Management of type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is quite challenging for both adolescents and their families. In this study, we aimed to translate the 14-item Problem Areas in Diabetes-Teen (PAID-T) scale, which measures variables that influence diabetes distress, to Turkish and investigate the Turkish version’s reliability and validity.

Methods. One hundred and ninety-four adolescents with T1DM participated in the study. PAID-T and forms for sociodemographic and diabetes characteristics were used for data collection. The scale’s content validity was checked using the Davis technique. Cronbach’s α was used to analyze the scale’s internal reliability and the test-retest for the scale’s reliability. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was utilized to examine the factor structure. The fit of the scale was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

Results. Of the participants, 54.6% (n=106) were girls. The content validity index values of the scale items ranged between 0.86 and 1.0. The PAID-T scores of girls and boys were similar. No significant difference was found between PAID-T scores with sociodemographic data and diabetes characteristics (p>0.05). The test-retest correlation coefficient of the scale was found to be 0.952. The three-factor (emotional burden, family and friend distress, and regimen-specific distress) model identified in EFA explained 61.8% of the common variance. Fit analysis was performed using CFA for the three-factor model, which did not show adequate fit (x2/df = 2.402, GFI = 0.822, CFI = 0.815, NFI = 0.727, NNFI = 0.772, RMSEA = 0.118). The Cronbach α value of the scale was 0.864.

Conclusion. The Turkish version of the 14-item PAID-T showed moderate validity and strong reliability. Accordingly, it can be used as a reliable measurement tool to assess diabetes stress in adolescents with T1DM.

Keywords: Type 1 diabetes, adolescents, problem areas, scale, validity, reliability


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How to cite

Sarı SA, Agadayı E, Çelik N, Karahan S, Kömürlüoğlu A, Döğer E. Adaptation of the Problem Areas in Diabetes-Teen Scale into Turkish and examination of its psychometric properties: a validity and reliability study. Turk J Pediatr 2024; 66: 588-598. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjpediatr.2024.4535