
Background. Understanding the severity of the disease from the parents’ perspective can lead to better patient outcomes, improving both the child’s health-related quality of life and the family’s quality of life. The implementation of 3-dimensional (3D) modeling technology in care is critical from a translational science perspective.

Aim. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of 3D modeling on family quality of life, surgical success, and patient outcomes in congenital heart diseases. Additionally, we aim to identify challenges and potential solutions related to this innovative technology.

Methods. The study is a two-group pretest-posttest randomized controlled trial protocol. The sample size is 15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group. The experimental group’s heart models will be made from their own computed tomography (CT) images and printed using a 3D printer. The experimental group will receive surgical simulation and preoperative parent education with their 3D heart model. The control group will receive the same parent education using the standard anatomical model. Both groups will complete the Sociodemographic Information Form, the Surgical Simulation Evaluation Form - Part I-II, and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Family Impacts Module. The primary outcome of the research is the average PedsQL Family Impacts Module score. Secondary outcome measurement includes surgical success and patient outcomes. Separate analyses will be conducted for each outcome and compared between the intervention and control groups.

Conclusions. Anomalies that can be clearly understood by parents according to the actual size and dimensions of the child’s heart will affect the preoperative preparation of the surgical procedure and the recovery rate in the postoperative period.

Keywords: congenital heart diseases, 3D printing, heart modeling, family quality of life, surgical simulation

How to cite

Akça Sümengen A, İsmailoğlu AV, İsmailoğlu P, et al. The effect of 3D modeling on family quality of life, surgical success, and patient outcomes in congenital heart diseases: objectives and design of a randomized controlled trial. Turk J Pediatr 2024; 66: 237-250. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjpediatr.2024.4574


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