Background. Given the strong genetic background of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), the frequently reported co-existing diseases in children with FMF should also be investigated in other family members. Therefore, we aimed to examine the medical conditions of first-degree relatives (FDRs) of our pediatric patients with FMF in the present study.
Methods. Chronic diseases of FDRs of pediatric 449 FMF, 147 juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients and 93 healthy controls (HC) were questioned during their routine clinical visits for 9 consecutive months.
Results. A total of 1975 FDRs of 449 FMF, 690 FDRs of 147 JIA patients, and 406 FDRs of 93 HC were included into the study. The most common medical conditions were non-atopic asthma (n=71, 3.6%), type 2 DM (n=14, 2%), and tonsillectomy history (n=12, 2.95%) in the FMF, JIA, and HC groups, respectively. Atopic diseases (FMF vs. JIA: p=0.013; FMF vs. HC: p=0.014), rheumatic diseases (FMF vs. JIA: p=0.030; FMF vs. HC: p=0.017), and surgical histories (FMF vs. JIA: p<0.01; FMF vs. HC: p=0.026), including adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, and appendectomy, were significantly more common in the FMF group than in other groups.
Conclusions. Our novel findings may contribute to understanding the hereditary burden of co-existing diseases in children with FMF and encourage further studies involving genetic screenings.
Keywords: familial Mediterranean fever, arthritis, juvenile, parents
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