Background. Understanding the outcome of functional constipation (FC) for both patients and physicians is essential, yet it has been infrequently reported worldwide. The objective of this report was to update the outcomes of FC in Saudi children.
Methods. Clinical data including age, sex, response to management, duration of follow up, and type of management were collected from the notes of each clinic visits and phone call follow-ups.
Results. The study included 268 children followed up for a 7 year duration. The median age of onset was 4 (0.1 to 13) years, and 123/268 (46%) were male. There was an increasing recovery rate with increasing duration of follow up with an overall recovery rate of 79%. There was no significant association between recovery and age at onset (p=0.0860) or duration of constipation (P=0.124). Management by pediatric gastroenterologists did not increase rate of recovery (81% vs. 77%, p=0.432) or being cured (47% vs. 36%, p=0.108) significantly. According to the parents of children who recovered, diet in association with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and toilet training were most helpful. Poor diet and nonadherence to medications were the most common causes of lack of recovery.
Conclusions. The higher rates of recovery in this Middle Eastern childhood population than other populations are possibly related to cultural characteristics. The parents’ views support the importance of diet associated with other modalities as important parts of management. Further research is needed to identify correctable causes of nonadherence to treatment to improve recovery.
Keywords: chronic constipation, prognosis, Saudi children
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