
Tetanus is an infectious disease of the central nervous system with high mortality rates characterized with respiratory distress and tonic muscle spasms. The most common cause of mortality is cardiovascular complications (40%) and respiratory distress (15%). Despite vaccination programs, tetanus remains to be a significant healthcare issue in developing nations. Prolonged sedation and administration of muscle relaxants prolongs the period on mechanical ventilation and duration of hospitalization in severe tetanus cases. However, intrathecal baclofen (ITB) therapy might shorten the duration of stay at intensive care units, improve patient outcomes, and constitute a treatment option alternative to paralytic agents and sedation. In this manuscript, we present a 12-years-old case diagnosed with tetanus and treated with ITB upon observation of spasms refractory to high dose sedation and muscle relaxants.

Keywords: Clostridium tetani, intrathecal baclofen, tetanus, tetanus releated spasm, trismus

How to cite

Şık G, Aydoseli A, Çıtak A. Intrathecal baclofen use in the management of tetanus related spasm: A case report. Turk J Pediatr 2019; 61: 126-129. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjped.2019.01.021