
It is controversial which method is more reliable for weight estimation of a child in an emergent situation. The aim of this study is to compare different methods and to review the applicability of Broselow Luten tape for Turkish children. This study was performed prospectively in patients presenting to pediatric emergency department. Weight estimation of patients were performed by parent, physician, nurse and Broselow Luten tape. Finally actual weight and height of the patient were measured. A total of 438 patients were eligible for the study. All estimates have a reliable correlation with actual weight. However, parent estimation is better followed by Broselow Luten tape. Correlation decreases as the weight of the child increases. When emergent care of an acutely ill child is necessary, parental estimation of the weight can be used. If it is unattainable, Broselow Luten tape can be reliably used instead of other methods especially in patients with lower weight.

Keywords: Broselow Luten tape, children, pediatric emergency, weight estimation

How to cite

Gültekingil-Keser A, Tekşam Ö. Comparison of weight estimation methods and evaluation of usability of Broselow Luten tape in Turkish children. Turk J Pediatr 2017; 59: 150-154. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjped.2017.02.006