Volume 31 Issue 1 (1989)

Published: March 28, 1989

Original Articles

Long-term prognosis of poststreptococcal acute glomerulonephritis
Diluted yogurt (ayran) versus water in dissolving oral rehydration salts
Peripheral vein contrast echocardiography in atrial septal defect
Physical growth measurements of 18,719 primary school children living in Adana, Turkey

Case Reports

The association of nephrotic syndrome and renal vein thrombosis: a clinicopathological analysis of eight pediatric patients
Congenital insensitivity to pain with anyhydrosis: morphological studies of skin and peripheral nerves
Multiple primary hydatid cysts of the brain
Hemobilia from a ruptured hepatic artery aneurysm in a 16-year-old girl
Renal lymphoma. An unusual presentation in a child
Meckel syndrome in twins
Acute hemolytic anemia caused by irregular rifampicin therapy
Diastematomyelia: a report of two cases