Volume 29 Issue 2 (1987)

Published: June 28, 1987

Original Articles

The relationship between the "a" wave depths of the pulmonary valve echocardiogram and the hemodynamic values of patients with isolated valvular pulmonary stenosis
Acne vulgaris in adolescence
Neodymium YAG laser anterior capsulotomy in congenital cataract
Lethal chondrodysplasia punctata in two siblings
Left ventricular aberrant bands in children with innocent murmurs

Case Reports

Recurrent purulent meningitis in a patient with Bruton's disease
Prevention of amblyopia in childhood traumatic cataract with intraocular lens implantation: a case report
Gallstones due to hereditary spherocytosis with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Mediastinal tumor with basophilia terminating in acute leukemia
A case of ganglioneuroma