Volume 53 Issue 5 (2011)

Published: October 28, 2011

Review Article

Meningococcal disease in children: a clinical review

Original Articles

The levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine, homocysteine and carotid intima-media thickness in hypercholesterolemic children
A study of the prevalence of developmental anomalies of the external ear among preschool children in Sivas, Turkey
Regulatory T cell levels in children with asthma
Pediatric tracheotomy: 3-year experience at a tertiary care center with 54 children
Parents' perception of the quality of life of children with intellectual disabilities
Outcome of neonates requiring assisted ventilation
Invasive Candida infections in children: the clinical characteristics and species distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida spp
Outcome of enzyme replacement therapy in Turkish patients with Gaucher disease: does late intervention affect the response?
Viral etiology in hospitalized children with acute lower respiratory tract infection
The evaluation of clusters of hospital infections due to multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium in the neonatal unit: a two-year experience

Case Reports

Suppurative cervical adenopathy and pharyngeal mass due to tularemia unresponsive to medical treatment
A rare case of 2q37 microdeletion with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy-like phenotype
Multiple large brain abscesses in a newborn that may have resulted from intrauterine infection
Fibromuscular dysplasia as a cause of stroke in a 9-year-old girl
Postinfarction ventricular septal defect following blunt chest trauma in a 7-year-old child
A case with hyperkinetic frontal lobe epilepsy presenting as a psychiatric disturbance
Conus medullaris syndrome and acute colonic pseudoobstruction in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Isolated pericardial agenesis revealed by bradycardia and heart MRI in a healthy 5-year-old child
Severe rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure in an adolescent with hypothyroidism
Endoscopic treatment of cavum vergae cyst: case report and review

Letters to the Editor

Goiter prevalence and urinary iodine levels
Is uveitis an associated finding of celiac disease?