
Dengue is a mosquito-borne arboviral infection that has become a public health concern in India and particularly Mumbai, where endemicity is on the rise. Fifty-seven children having dengue infection admitted over 12 months (2008) in a child health unit of a teaching hospital in Mumbai and who were positive for IgM antibodies by ELISA test were retrospectively studied for clinical profile and outcome. Common clinical findings were fever (100%), hepatomegaly (66.6%), vomiting (40.3%), and significant bleeding manifestations (38.5%). Common laboratory findings were thrombocytopenia (platelet < 100,000/mm3 in 96.5% patients), increased liver enzymes (59.6%), hypoalbuminemia (50.8%), hyponatremia (40.3%), and deranged prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time (PT/PTT) (33.3%). Third spacing in the form of ascites and pleural effusion was present in 15.7% and 31.5% of patients, respectively. There was no correlation between platelet count and bleeding manifestation. Patients with dengue shock syndrome required more supportive therapy with blood products and inotropes and had a longer recovery time. Mortality in the study was 3.5%. PT/PTT, serum sodium, albumin, and white blood cell (WBC) counts were predictors of severity of dengue. To summarize, fever, hemorrhagic manifestations, hepatomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and evidence of plasma leakage (hemoconcentration, pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinemia) should lead a clinician to suspect dengue infection.

How to cite

Joshi R, Baid V. Profile of dengue patients admitted to a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai. Turk J Pediatr 2011; 53: 626-631.