
Subglottic cysts are rare causes of stridor in infancy and should be suspected in the case of intubation. A 15-month-old male presented with recurrent stridor and respiratory distress. Prematurity and intubation were present in his history. Two subglottic cysts below the glottis were diagnosed. The cysts were ruptured by flexible bronchoscopy. The child's stridor and other symptoms disappeared thereafter. Early diagnosis of subglottic cysts is important since the obstruction can be relieved by rupturing the cysts with bronchoscope, whereas development of a fibrotic stenosis may require a tracheotomy, with its attending morbidity.

How to cite

Ozmen S, Sahiner UM, Balaban I, Yavuz ST, Unal F, Arslan Z. Subglottic cysts in a patient with recurrent stridor and respiratory distress. Turk J Pediatr 2011; 53: 684-686.