
Hepatoblastoma is a rare neoplasm of all pediatric cancers. The goal of treatment is to remove the tumor completely because cure without complete resection is extremely unusual. Accurate assessment of tumor resectability following preoperative chemotherapy is of crucial importance. It is sometimes difficult, especially when the tumor is as large and calcified as in the described case. Detailed radiological imaging such as computed tomography angiography or magnetic resonance angiography is the key for selecting the proper treatment method in hepatoblastoma during the preoperative period. In this article, we report a successfully treated giant calcified hepatoblastoma despite radiological assessment complexity.

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Ceçen E, Cakmakci H, Olguner M, Culhaci N. Challenges of radiological assessment in an infant with giant calcified hepatoblastoma. Turk J Pediatr 2011; 53: 695-698.