
There are controversial results about the role of dysfunctional bowel emptying in disorders of the urinary tract like urinary tract infection (UTI), vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and enuresis. Constipation may cause UTI, enuresis and VUR due to the uninhibited bladder contraction. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of nocturnal enuresis, UTI and instability symptoms in chronic functional constipation (CFC). This study included 38 children with CFC and 31 children as the control group. Detailed past and present history of UTIs or symptoms pointing to this diagnosis, enuresis, encopresis, urgency and urge incontinence was obtained from both groups as well as the family history of UTI. Urinalysis, urine culture and stool parasite analysis as well as abdominal ultrasonography were performed on both groups. Age range of the children with CFC was 6-192 months (mean +/- standard deviation (SD) 63.5 +/- 51 months); that of the control group was 4-180 months (mean +/- SD 82 +/- 46.2 months). Frequency of UTI and urgency was significantly higher in the CFC group. However, frequencies of urge incontinence, nocturnal enuresis, and genitourinary abnormalities were not different between the two groups. In conclusion, risk of UTI and urgency is increased in CFC, but that of other voiding dysfunctions like urge incontinence do not change significantly. Therefore, we suggest that UTI and urgency should be questioned in children with CFC and vice versa.

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Kasirga E, Akil I, Yilmaz O, Polat M, Gözmen S, Egemen A. Evaluation of voiding dysfunctions in children with chronic functional constipation. Turk J Pediatr 2006; 48: 340-343.