
Neonatal uterine prolapse is rare and mostly due to spina bifida. It is probably due to abnormal innervation of levator ani and subsequent atrophy of the muscle in patients with spina bifida. Here we report a newborn patient with uterine prolapse after meningomyelocele operation. Foley catheter was used to manage uterine prolapse, however rectal prolapse occurred and catheter was pulled out. She was followed in an outpatient clinic without any management. She is now seven months old and had no uterine prolapse since the age of two months.

Keywords: newborn, spina bifida, uterine prolapse

How to cite

Yıldızdaş HY, Ece Ü, Yurdakul GB, Kolağasıgil E. Spontaneously resolved uterine prolapse in a neonate with spina bifida. Turk J Pediatr 2019; 61: 979-981. https://doi.org/10.24953/turkjped.2019.06.026