Volume 61 Issue 6 (2019)

Published: December 28, 2019

Review Article

The lung microbiome in neonates

Original Articles

A comparison of bone mineral density in adolescent swimmers, pentathletes and figure skaters
Mental health of Syrian refugee adolescents: how far have we come?
Long term follow-up of children with chronic hepatitis B: a single center experience
Systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a single center experience
Maternal adipose tissue, antenatal steroids, and Respiratory Distress syndrome: complex relations
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for the support of pediatric patients with acute fulminant myocarditis
The role of cardiac troponin T in detection of cardiac damage and long term mortality in children with chronic renal disease
Clinical experiences in Turkish paediatric patients with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
Thymic output changes in children with clinical findings signaling a probable primary immunodeficiency
Is antibiotic lock therapy effective for the implantable longterm catheter-related bloodstream infections in children?
Childhood sclerosing cholangitis associations in a Tunisian tertiary care hospital: a many-faceted disease
Congenital heart disease and thyroid dysfunction in Down syndrome reported at Children`s Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
Systolic dysfunction of systemic ventricle in patients who underwent a Fontan operation

Case Reports

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva - can we diagnose it right at the outset?
A pediatric case of Ortner`s syndrome caused by heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension and review of the literature
Schwartz Jampel syndrome responding positively to carbamazepine therapy: a case report and a novel mutation
A neonate with tracheobronchial cobblestone mucosa presenting with acute severe hypercapnia
Multifocal mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall in a newborn
Spontaneously resolved uterine prolapse in a neonate with spina bifida
Bi-allelic mutations in PRUNE lead to neurodegeneration with spinal motor neuron involvement and hyperCKaemia
Vedolizumab treatment in a patient with X-linked agammaglobulinemia, is it safe and efficient?
A case of craniopagus parasiticus: an antenatal diagnosis by ultrasound screening at 16 weeks of gestation and a literature review of recently reported cases
A novel mutation in SLC2A1 gene causing GLUT-1 deficiency syndrome in a young adult patient
Rapid onset of altered mental status with progressive autonomic instability and hypoventilation in a 2-year-old male
Pathological findings of central nervous system, two GM1 gangliosidosis autopsy cases

Letters to the Editor

Response to: Arthropathy-like findings and a carpal tunnel syndrome as the presenting features of Scheie syndrome: Three cases from the same family
Pediatric primary anaplastic ganglioglioma with malignant neuronal component