Volume 32 Issue 1 (1990)

Published: March 28, 1990

Original Articles

Severe cytomegalovirus infection and immunosuppressive therapy in pediatric liver transplantation
Clinical and immunological aspects of hyper-IgM syndrome
Gamma-glutamyl transferase in neonatal non-hemolytic indirect hyperbilirubinemia
Percutaneous transluminal balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty: immediate and medium-term results
Zinc and copper in congestive heart failure

Case Reports

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a child with hemoglobins S and Q-Iran
A case of late presenting chronic granulomatous disease
A case of mucopolysaccharidoses type I with heart involvement during infancy
Massive paraesophageal hiatus hernia containing colon and stomach with organo-axial volvulus in a child
Sotos syndrome presenting with epilepsy