Volume 26 Issue 1-4 (1984)

Published: December 28, 1984

Review Articles

Prostatic cancer: prognostic criteria
The medical prophylaxis of renal calculi

Original Articles

Internal urethrotomy under direct vision
Surgical treatment of urethral strictures
The treatment of urethral strictures
15 years of experience in the surgical treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in children
Surgical treatment of vesicoureteric reflux
Vesicoureteric reflux--a modern approach
Micturition disorders in children: methods of evaluation and results of treatment
The investigation and management of the megaureter
Double-tube operation in hypospadias repair
Urethral duplications and anterior urethral valves
Lymph node dissection, renal artery embolization and other aspects of the management of renal carcinoma
Conservative and radical treatment for tumors of the kidney
Random biopsies and recurrence rates in bladder tumors
Mucosal biopsies from patients with transitional cell cancer of the bladder
Bladder cancer: treatment of carcinoma in situ
The value of thiotepa in the treatment of superficial bladder tumors
Prostatic cancer: the case for surveillance
Prostatic cancer: endocrine treatment
Tumor markers in testis tumors
Review of the treatment of testicular cancer
The results of the treatment of stage I and II nonseminomatous germinal testicular tumors
The management of seminoma in Edinburgh
Treatment results of stage III germinal testicular tumors
Sperm banking in Edinburgh
A study on the prevalence of urolithiasis among Turkish medical doctors
Mineralogical and chemical investigations of urolithiasis
Renal stones: screening tests
Risk factors for urinary stone formation
Pediatric urolithiasis
Stones in children
Percutaneous and extracorporeal management of renal calculi
Use of a portable dental X-ray unit in the surgical removal of renal calculi
Dorsal incision for kidney surgery
Obstruction in children
The role of lower urinary tract dynamics in children
Significance of symptoms and urodynamics in outflow tract obstruction
Urological problems following spinal cord injury
Transurethral resection for benign hyperplasia of the prostate: analysis of 1513 consecutive cases
1767 transurethral resections
Transurethral resection in prostatic cancer
The investigation of male infertility
Surgery in infertility
Left spermatic vein ligation in infertile patients without varicocele
The medical management of male infertility
Primary treatment of urethral trauma
Urethrotomy British practice 1984

Case Report

Electron microscopy in testicular biopsy